Sunday, April 25

Hallelujah! I'm off the 'injury' list

Wow, what a difference a simple foot pain can make in your life! I have a new appreciation for people that are living with chronic, constant pain...  Even though a planter's wart is not a major pain, it affected all aspects of my life. I adjusted just about everything I did around how my foot was feeling on a particular day.

Now that the pain is finally gone, completely, I feel like I could dance and walk and RUN all day, everyday!!  No longer am I making excuses to drive to the bus stop to pick up my son in the afternoon (the whole 400m). It has only been 6 days since my last twinge of pain from my foot - I feel like a new woman!!  Considering I first started feeling some pain last July/August, this has been an incredibly looooooooooong process!!

I could sing from the rooftops, but instead I'm going to RUN my little heart out...  Watch out world, Corinna's back at it with 10 months of weight gain and general inactivity to make up for!!


Wednesday, January 13

link between exercise and mood

I often joke with my hubby when he's really cranky that he needs to go for a run. I say it jokingly, but I mean it and he knows it. Sometimes he takes me up on the suggestion and is out the door 10 minutes later!

Lately I've been feeling down, overwhelmed, stuck and fat (ohhhh did I just write that out loud?) It just dawned on me that my foul mood and low self-esteem is because I haven't had a GREAT workout in weeks, maybe even months. (see Jan 5th post for why)

Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after a really good, heart-pumping workout?  Even if you're feeling ill or cranky or just plain stressed - taking time out of your day for vigorous exercise will make you feel less of what was ailing you and closer to fantastic. Some people even need to exercise to be more creative - like writing or painting or designing, etc. That explains why I haven't written many posts recently. (This post was drafted as an idea I had on Jan. 13th - and that's the date it'll be published as - but I'm actually 'writing' this on Jan. 27th - more than 2 weeks later!  Bet you can guess why it's getting done now...  YEP, I exercised!)

It's a bit scary how quickly lack of energy due to lack of exercise can lead to low moods and self-image, which then leads to even less motivation to do anything...  and it just snowballs!  At least in my case, I know that once my 'injury' is healed, I'll be back doing whatever I can to get my butt moving - maybe even with more vigor to make up for what I missed out on! (and to shed those extra pounds more quickly)

Even if you don't feel like it, get out and do SOMETHING - you'll be amazed at how easily it changes your mood and perspective on things. That's what I'm doing now (2 weeks later) and it's making all the difference for me!


Tuesday, January 5

injury - or...?

Wonder why I've been MIA for months now? Last summer (June '09) I contracted a planters wart from all the swimming at the pool . Go figure - I'm out doing something I love and getting exercise, and get a complication that has basically rendered me injured since September.

I'm tired of putting up with this planters wart for 6+ months now. It took 3 months to get a referral to a dermatologist after 6 weeks of treatments with my MD didn't see progress. I cannot wait to meet with the dermatologist on Monday! Currently trying GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract - it's basically a natural version of Compound W) on the recommendation of my Naturopathic Doctor and it really HURTS! I think she said the idea was to aggravate the area around the wart to tell my body it needs to attack it and get rid of it. Apparently warts are non-invasive to our immune systems, so our bodies don't fight to get rid of them. Lucky me!

You're probably thinking, how gross! I KNOW I AM! Sorry if you're totally grossed out. I haven't been able to walk on it very easily and according to both my GP and ND, I should definitely NOT be running on it, even though I have been. Surprisingly it hurts worse walking. I think the rest of the pain from running blocks out the wart pain.

This has been my reason for gaining 10+ lbs since September. UGH! I had fabulous plans of going for walks after dropping my son off at the bus every morning, and even had friends to walk with! It was so frustrating for me to discover I was limping by the end of the first walk with Michelle and Jen - and that was the first week of school! I haven't even attempted it since. Most days I can barely walk to the bus stop and find ways/reasons to be out running errands in the car just so I don't have to walk it.  Isn't that pathetic? I think it is. This has also affected my mood, but more on that in another post.

What have I learned from this? If I EVER see signs of another planters wart, I'll be treating it immediately. This time around, I didn't do anything until it was starting to bother me. AND, I won't ever step on the pool deck or anywhere at the pool without something on my feet.
