Tuesday, March 31

Welcome and please DONATE

As many of you know, I ran 1/10th of a marathon (that's 4.2km) in last year's Bluenose as part of the YMCA Strong Kids Relay on the SRC Tortoises team - made up of 10 women from my street. We had a blast, even when it started to rain. Although I wish I had trained a little harder - those 4.2km felt more like 10km to my weary, untrained legs.  I thought since I played soccer year-round, I would have no problem with that short distance. I learned my lesson!  So this year I'll be training with my neighbours once again, only I'll ACTUALLY train, not just pay lip-service to the idea.  

This past weekend I had hoped to get started and it was glorious weather, but didn't get myself organized.  Although I did manage to get in a stroll at Shubie park with my hubby and boys (5yrs and 16mons). So now I'm writing in here that I WILL get out for at least a first 5km walk this coming weekend.  Who's going to join me?  9AM on Sunday if the weather cooperates. The snow should all be melted away by then, right?

You can help support me by making a secure online donation using your credit card. Click on the link: http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?SID=2103855

For more information on how YOU can participate in the Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon, please visit us at www.bluenosemarathon.com

Thanks for your support!